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The history of using essential oils and their aromas to improve health and well-being dates back thousands of years. Like today, patients would inhale or topically apply these oils,...

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News & Finance

Why federal efforts to protect schools from cybersecurity threats fall short

In August 2023, the White House announced a plan to bolster cybersecurity in K-12 schools – and with good reason. Between 2018 and mid-September...

50 years later, ‘The Exorcist’ continues to possess Hollywood’s imagination, reflecting our obsession with evil

When the “The Exorcist” premiered 50 years ago, in December 1973, some theatergoers fainted or broke down in tears. A few even vomited. The...

Paying people to replant tropical forests − and letting them harvest the timber − can pay off for climate, justice and environment

Tropical forest landscapes are home to millions of Indigenous peoples and small-scale farmers. Just about every square meter of land is spoken for, even...

When authoritative sources hold onto bad data: A legal scholar explains the need for government databases to retract information

In 2004, Hwang Woo-suk was celebrated for his breakthrough discovery creating cloned human embryos, and his work was published in the prestigious journal Science....



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6 ways AI can make political campaigns more deceptive than ever

Political campaign ads and donor solicitations have long been deceptive. In 2004, for example, U.S. presidential candidate John Kerry, a Democrat, aired an ad...

Can chatbots write inspirational and wise sermons?

When several hundred Lutherans in Bavaria, Germany, attended a service on June 9, 2023, designed by ChatGPT, the program not only selected hymns and...
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